Living World | Interactions | Tavern Revelries | Quests | Allies | Mini-Games | Economy

Tavern Interactions

  • Story-telling cutscenes from bards, stories of ancient history about Arnor or the region. Such as the history of the Hobbits or Angmar or even of Gondor and other lore. Each region can have it's own theme of tales about the area or the people who once dwelt there.
  • Click on the tavern owner and select News to learn about what’s going on, or maybe even some guide information for your character, such as directions to spots in the town or who might be looking for a helper in the area.
  • Class trainers have tips and guide information for your character class
  • Wandering vendors that periodically visit the various Taverns and only sell items of rarity like the Festival props.

Tavern Bulletins and Work Orders

  • Nailed to several posts in a Tavern are Bulletins that let players post about Events, check Official News, and the Forums while in-game.
  • If your reputation is high enough you can have bulletin items mailed to you via the Tavern Keep.
  • Players can also use Bulletins to post or fill Work Orders.
  • Work Orders Tab
    • Players can list up to 5 types of items they need and the price they are willing to pay for them.
    • Crafters can look up Work Requests by catagory and provide the items.
    • Work orders last no longer than 24 hours until they are removed from the list.
    • Work orders may also be filled out at Auction Halls on Bulletin posts.

Make a Suggestion - site by Hayoo